Fiddleheads make an unusual appearance in a standard cream of cauliflower soup. Just make sure you don't overcook the fiddleheads. Reserve some of the smaller fiddleheads before you puree the soup.

I made this soup at my parents' house yesterday. Mom's been moving away from cooking, sadly, so I didn't have access to a blender -- I had to puree the soup in a Magic Bullet! It only took about a thousand batches (grumble, grumble). It was a little rustic -- really important to clean the fiddleheads and puree them well if you want a super-smooth texture. I think I might even press through a sieve or cheesecloth next time.
You need to come over to my house and check out the ferns. Also, Do you know which wild mushrooms are safe? I have plenty of each.
Go here for a good description and photo of the kind of fern you want to eat: http://www.wildwoodsurvival.com/survival/food/edibleplants/ostrichfern/index.html
I have not learned to hunt mushrooms yet. Mushroom hunting really requires a great deal of knowledge and discernment. I am a good forager, but mushrooms are a whole other ballgame -- they can kill you. I wouldn't even dream about doing it without a skilled and very experienced teacher. A guidebook is not enough, IMO.
I found a good link specific to New England mushrooms. http://www.mushroom-collecting.com/.
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